
We Are All Fighters(我们都是战士) 这是深圳女孩刘洁为抗击疫情专门录制的英文短视频。刘洁说之所以选择用英语录制,是因为病毒面前无国界,这是人类共同面临的挑战。我们必须发出自己的声音。

There is an ancient Chinese teaching: All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant. In the new era, the Chinese people are more concerned with their nutrition and health, from having enough food to eat to eating well and sa...

At 6pm on that day, beacon tower 1 to 3 were illuminated by lights. The 340-metre "carpet" all the way up along the wall was consisted of over 600 lights, which have outlin...

新华社悉尼6月1日电(记者 郝亚琳)第12届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛墨尔本赛区比赛5月31日晚在墨尔本文法学校落下帷幕。来自马塞兰中学的十年级学生亚历克斯·德·塞萨里最终脱颖而出,获得第一名。 本次比赛以“携手汉语、筑梦未来”为主题,分为中文演讲和才艺展示...

摘要:小编注意到,最近一副英文春联火了。 随着中国的国际影响力日益增强,越来越多的外国人开始对中华文化感兴趣,春节习俗也越来越受到外国朋友的喜爱。带有“Chinglish”(中式英语)风格...

更多内容请点击:英文版春联火了:这些Chinglish贴满了全世界 推荐文章